Kristina Tomić MA (Niš) has been conducting forensic phonetic research at the University of Niš, Serbia, since 2016 focusing on sociophonetics, voice quality and has undertaken courses on the legal system and criminal law in different countries (e.g. From Crime to Punishment at the University of York, Evidence in Criminal Procedure, Serbia). Kristina was a trustee of a competitive scholarship for best-performing students with a high intelligence quotient awarded by the Republic Foundation for the Development of Young Scientists and Artists, Serbia. She is a member of MENSA – The High IQ Society in addition to being granted membership in multiple professional organisations including the International Association of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics and the Applied Linguistics Association of Serbia (under Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée). Kristina has collaborated as an expert on international casework and continues to author and co-author scientific papers and present her research at international conferences.